This means you get paid once the month ends. Thus, you should be able to fulfil all the monthly requirements. Is getting a grip on the expenses with a monthly salary too tough? No, you can make your money last longer. It is not that all the payouts can extend till the moment your bank […]
Understanding the Tax Implications of Online PF Withdrawal
Introduction to Online PF Withdrawal With the advent of digitalization, tasks such as withdrawing your provident fund have become significantly easier. The online PF withdrawal option is an ideal solution for both employees and employers, eliminating paperwork, reducing turnaround time, and providing higher transparency. Even if you have your EPFO member passbook handy, you can […]
How the Current Gold Rate in Ahmedabad Affects Interest Rates
Over the centuries, gold has been regarded as a store of value, a prize possession, and a hedge against inflation. It has gained increasing attention not only due to its ornamental appeal but also as a considerable investment tool. In India, specifically Ahmedabad, the gold rate plays a significant role in influencing gold loans’ interest […]
Why is Timely Hero Bike Insurance Renewal Crucial for Your Health and Wallet?
Riding on the open road on your trusty two-wheeler is very thrilling. As you soar over mountain ranges and along rivers met with fields and forests, the bike’s metal and rubber noise are the only sounds entering your ears. But like all things mechanical, the trusty two-wheeler is not immune to mishaps. It might fall […]
What is the cut-off for an IPO?
Introduction IPO refers to a company going public and is a special place for any business to get into. It changes the ownership of the business from private to public. One of the most important terms associated with an IPO is the cut-off price. In this post, we will discuss what cut-off price means in […]
Loan Against Property Balance Transfer Strategies
Loan against property balance transfer is an important facility that lenders offer and using which loan against property borrowers can switch lenders to benefit from a lower property loan interest rate, better service, or a top-up loan. When one opts for this facility, the new lender pays off the current one. Loan against property balance transfers can be highly beneficial. However, […]