March 10, 2025
Which Ring To Wear in What Finger as Per Astrology Finger as Per Astrology Image Source: istock

Which Ring To Wear in What Finger as Per Astrology

When gemstone rings are placed on the appropriate finger, the person experiences favorable outcomes. Vedic astrology recommends stones based on your zodiac sign (Rashi) and birth chart. The placement of the Moon at the moment of your birth determines your primary gemstone based on Rashi. In Hindu astrology, the stars and the ruling planet are taken into account while calculating stones based on Nakshatra. In astrology, gemstones have meaning based on their Rashi and Nakshatra. This blog will help you get the best ring by understanding which natural gemstones are best to wear on which finger.

What is Rashi, and how does astrology use it?

There are twelve different types of rashis, or zodiac signs, in Vedic astrology: Aries, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces, and Aquarius. The Moon sign is another name for it, emphasizing the Moon’s influence at the moment of a person’s birth. 

The Rashi determines an individual’s personality. In astrology, it is crucial because it symbolizes people’s souls, thoughts, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Astrologers recommend gemstone rings based on your rashi that are suitable for you and address a range of issues, including money, relationships, profession, and health.

Popular stones, benefits, and which finger to wear

Your birth month determines your Rashi Stone, which is based on your date of birth. Gemstones are recommended based on this information.

Ruby Stone

Zodiac Sign Associated: Leo

Finger Suggestion: Ring Finger 

Wearing a ruby, which is associated with the planet Sun, can boost one’s courage, vitality, and self-assurance. This is why wearing a Manik stone is beneficial. A Manik stone worn on the ring finger aids in shielding the wearer from harmful energy. It makes couples’ ties stronger. Before wearing any stone one should consult an astrologer via free astro chat online.

Pearl Gem

Zodiac Sign Associated: Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Finger Suggestion: Little Finger 

Wearing a Moti has several advantages. It brings calmness, eases stress, and encourages inner peace and harmony because it is ruled by the planet Moon. Wearing a moti is appropriate if your birthday takes place between June 22nd and July 22nd because it will help you learn more about your life goals. It improves mental and emotional balance, promotes pregnancy, and boosts fertility.

Coral Stone

Zodiac Signs Associated: Scorpio, Aries

Finger Suggestion: Ring Finger 

Having a coral stone has the benefit of boosting energy, which enables the wearer to focus on their individual objectives. The wearer gains courage, confidence, and resolve from this red gem, which helps them conquer challenges in their professional lives. Additionally, it is said that wearing a real moonga stone protects against bad energy and evil spirits.

Emerald Stone

Zodiac Signs Associated: Virgo, Gemini

Finger Suggestion: Little finger

Wearing a Panna stone has many advantages: a natural emerald stone, which has the planet Mercury as its ruler, improves understanding, intelligence, and communication. Therefore, it is advised that professionals or students born between May 22nd and June 21st wear Panna gemstones. It improves their level of concentration and judgment. It improves the relationships between spouses and encourages harmony, love, and loyalty. The color green represents prosperity and abundance; therefore, wearing a panna promotes financial growth and success and offers new opportunities.

Yellow Sapphire

Zodiac Signs Associated: Pisces, Sagittarius

Finger Suggestion: Index Finger

Wearing a pukhraj gemstone has many advantages. Yellow sapphire, which is associated with the planet of knowledge and good fortune, supports spiritual development and gives your life genuine purpose. It supports you in achieving wealth and success in your career. Additionally, Pukhraj helps women by controlling hormones and increasing fertility. In the context of this, yellow sapphire is advised to be placed on the right hand’s index finger for men and the left hand for women, depending on the Rashi. Furthermore, it increases life’s positivity and lessens anxiety, despair, and bad energy.


Zodiac Signs Associated: Taurus, Libra

Finger Suggestion: Middle Finger

Heera has several advantages. It is recommended as a perfect stone for engagements and weddings because it represents purity, love, and divinity. gives the individual bravery and strength, helping them to overcome obstacles in life. Moreover, there are health benefits associated with wearing a diamond, including those connected to the kidney, reproductive system, skin, and mouth.


The planetary energy and the Rashi stone provide significant benefits to the user. Putting any gemstone should only be taken after visiting an astrologer, as several aspects can only be assessed by a qualified astrologer.

Additionally, if one is not sure of any good astrologer, he can utilize online websites such as Anytime Astro and meet some of the best astrologers. It is more important to know which Rashi stone to place on which finger than it is to choose the perfect one. This is true since different fingers represent different aspects of our lives.

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